The Truth About Vaccine Efficacy: Half Eaten Food-1

Mamnun Ahmed
2 min readAug 21, 2021


The Truth About Vaccine Efficacy

With the ‘Half Eaten Food’ series, where I will be talking about trending topics that most people know half of the truth, I am introducing myself in Medium.

Surely, the efficacy rate of a vaccine is a good indication of how a certain vaccine is working among vaccinated people. But that’s not even close to the whole story.

What’s The Bigger Picture?

The pandemic has shifted towards the third wave in many countries with many scary variants such as Alpha, Gamma, Delta, Lambda, and whatnot. Seems like we will learn the entire physics book with them. We have already realized that each varients have some distinct quality in terms of symptoms, transmission rate, and how fast they affect our body. I won’t be going to any details but not every variant affects at the same rate, so how can we expect the same consistency of a vaccine among them?

Now that we understand, a vaccine’s efficacy rate might show different numbers in different variants, we will have to understand that the ‘viral’ efficacy rates of each vaccine were measured in not only different areas of the world, also in different variants. But the thing we care about the most, our lives, almost all the vaccines are more than capable of saving them. Also, they might drastically reduce the complications due to the scary variants like ‘Delta Plus’.

What Should We Do?

This article was not meant to give you quantitative measures but to help you understand that your perception of vaccines might not be as true as you thought before. Also how important it is to stop the spread of the virus as the more it will spread the more the chances of creating a new scary variant.

So the best thing you can do for yourself and the fellow earth’s people is to give whichever vaccine you have assigned to. And if you have doubts over the vaccine, look at how highly judged vaccine Sinopharm has been doing in China. Google ‘china covid’ and you’ll see the real picture of a vaccine’s efficacy and be able to finish your half eaten food.

Watch this video from Vox to be more clear and help everyone to end the pandemic once and for all.



Mamnun Ahmed

I write about Marketing, Psychology, Startup and many more. If you like my works you can Buy Me a Coffee: