The Price of Your Attention!

Mamnun Ahmed
5 min readMar 26, 2024


Where is your Attention Now? (Image made with Canva)

Have you ever found yourself amid a social media scroll-fest, bombarded by ads left, right, and center, and wondered, “What’s the deal with all this?”

Hint: it’s something we all have in limited supply, your attention!

For five years, I navigated the trenches of marketing and sales, constantly hustling for something intangible yet essential — customer attention. It made me question the core of the game. Why were we crafting elaborate campaigns, designing eye-catching visuals, and honing our pitches? All roads led to the same destination: capturing your attention.

Let’s break it down a bit. You’ve probably heard of the AIDA model, right? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action — it’s the marketer’s holy grail. But guess what? It all starts with that very first step: getting your attention.

AIDA Model (Picture Taken From Pexels)

This model isn’t about the product, it’s about you, the potential customer. First, we need to grab your attention. Then, we pique your interest, build your desire, and ultimately, nudge you towards action — a purchase, a subscription, a like.

Every element, from the captivating headline to the strategically placed call to action, is designed to hook your precious attention.

But let’s zoom in even more on that!

Do ads follow you around online? No, and They’re not coincidences.

Billboards, pop-up ads, even those seemingly random YouTube pre-rolls — they’re all competing for a sliver of your precious mental space.

The ad marketers (media buyers) actually bid for your attention and spend thousands of dollars for you to see what they have made.

Even, marketers have infiltrated seemingly organic spaces.

Remember that hilarious meme group you love? While some content is genuinely user-generated, some might be subtly orchestrated. We, the marketers, might be behind those cleverly crafted memes or witty comments, all designed to nudge you towards a specific brand subconsciously. Even platforms like Reddit, known for its unfiltered content, are targeted by marketers.

So, what’s the real cost of your attention?

Spending as little as $30 per month on their sales page could be enough for a small business.

Picture this: a small business, perhaps a cozy café or a quaint boutique, allocating a mere $30 per month to boost its presence on its sales page. Now, to some, that might sound like a very small investment in the grand scheme of advertising budgets. But here’s the kicker, for this small firm, that $30 investment could be the ticket to attracting a customer who ends up spending a whopping $100. Talk about a return on investment!

On the other hand, top brands are spending millions just to get your 1-second attention.

Yes, just 1! That’s why nowadays, marketers advise that the hook of your marketing message should be within 1 second. We often compare people with goldfish for our short attention span.

Haven’t you ever wondered why reels and shorts are getting popular?

As our attention spans decrease to the level of goldfish (no offense to our aquatic buddies), marketers seize every opportunity to catch your fleeting attention, creating impactful messages, and delivering our pitch in the blink of an eye before you can scroll past.

So, the next time you’re overwhelmed with advertising and marketing messages, remember this: whether it’s a $30 investment or a multi-million dollar campaign, every dollar spent is intended to capture your attention, even if only for a split second. And in a world where time is money, that split-second connection could mean the difference between success and failure in the ever-changing marketing landscape.

To me the real price of your attention is priceless.

So what’s the point of me talking about these?

In short, I aim to make you wonder and empower you to regain control of your attention.

The Wonder: things you should ask yourself

Here’s the truth, the real cost of your attention isn’t measured in dollars and cents but measured in lost opportunities, where you can make a genuine connection you feed your dopamine with a viral video.

Ask yourself these:

  • Is this endless scroll enriching my life? Is the content you consume sparking meaningful conversations, igniting your creativity, or simply feeding a mindless cycle of scrolling?
  • Am I learning or just entertained? There’s a place for lighthearted fun, but are you neglecting opportunities to learn new skills, explore different perspectives, or expand your knowledge?
  • Who benefits from my attention? Are you feeding the algorithms of corporations whose primary goal is to sell you something, or are you supporting creators who inspire and uplift you?

The Empower: How can you break free from the cycle?

Here is what you need to do:

1. Take control of your feed: Do not let social media algorithms determine your reality. Unfollow accounts that make you feel exhausted or uninspired.

2. Seek voices that question your assumptions, pique your interest, or simply make you happy.

3. Accept the unsubscribe button: It is not a rejection, but a liberty! Do you feel overwhelmed by commercial emails? Unsubscribe with confidence. Reclaim your email for important connections rather than marketing garbage.

4. Resist the clickbait urge: The “click here now” society values instant pleasure. Before falling to a dramatic headline, take a deep breath. “Does this align with my goals and values?” Is this the rabbit hole you really want to go down?

When you become aware of how much attention you’re using, you not only regain control of your digital life, but you also send a strong message. You’re saying that your attention is important and that you get to decide where to put it. This change in how you think can make your life better.

Just think about what could happen:

- Deeper connections: Use the time you used to spend scrolling to have deeper talks with people you care about.

- Personal Growth: put your time and energy into learning new things, discovering hobbies, or getting information that gives you power.

- Intentional living: You can make your digital space represent your values and goals by being aware of where you focus your attention.

Remember this the next time you’re looking through your feed: attention is your superpower. If you’re smart about where you put your attention, you’ll not only make better choices, but you’ll also change the world around you.

Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are. — Jose Ortega y Gasset

P.S. Don't hesitate to reach out if you want to talk more about anything. I’m always happy to discuss.

And if you like my words you can Buy Me Coffee!



Mamnun Ahmed

I write about Marketing, Psychology, Startup and many more. If you like my works you can Buy Me a Coffee: